Home » Controversy Erupts Over Drag Queens Portraying Jesus and Disciples at Olympics Opening Ceremony

Controversy Erupts Over Drag Queens Portraying Jesus and Disciples at Olympics Opening Ceremony

Imagine the outcry if the Olympic Games mocked Muhammad the way it mocked Christ.

by Anne Ng

The Paris Olympics Opening Ceremony ignited a firestorm of controversy on social media Friday after featuring drag queens portraying Jesus and the disciples in a reenactment of Leonardo da Vinci’s iconic painting The Last Supper. The portrayal quickly propelled “Christians” to the second most-discussed topic on X (formerly Twitter), just behind “Olympics” and ahead of “Last Supper.”

The scene, which was briefly broadcast on NBC Primetime but shown in full on the live world feed, depicted drag queens seated behind a table, representing Jesus and his disciples. The performance escalated when dancers pranced provocatively down a runway in front of the table, with the drag queens clapping in applause.

The segment sparked widespread backlash from various corners, including politicians, sports commentators, and religious leaders.

“God will not be mocked,” tweeted ESPN’s Jimmy Dykes, expressing his disapproval.

US Senator Marco Rubio also weighed in, citing Scripture: “‘In the last time there will be scoffers who will live according to their own godless desires.’ Jude 1:18.”

Lila Rose, founder and president of Live Action, drew a comparison to other religions, writing, “Imagine the outcry if the Olympic Games mocked Muhammad the way it is mocking our Lord. My heart is sad for the mindless hatred that one must have to do this.”

Kristen Waggoner, president of Alliance Defending Freedom, also condemned the performance, stating, “And now they are openly mocking Christians at the 2024 Olympics opening ceremony. There are billions of Christians across the world – Christians who will compete at the Olympics. This mockery is repugnant.”


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