Home » Christian leaders threaten to leave X (formerly Twitter) now that it allows porn

Christian leaders threaten to leave X (formerly Twitter) now that it allows porn

X now allows porn, with Elon Musk saying sexual expression can be a legitimate form of artistic expression.

by Anne Ng

Christian leaders from various backgrounds have expressed their concerns about X (formerly Twitter) allowing pornography on the platform under Elon Musk’s control.

Musk’s company, in recent days, updated its policy to allow “consensually produced and distributed adult nudity” and “sexual behaviour,” making clear it will allow “full or partial nudity” as well as “explicit or implied sexual behaviour” and “AI-generated porn”.

“Sexual expression, visual or written, can be a legitimate form of artistic expression,” the policy says. “We believe in the autonomy of adults to engage with and create content that reflects their own beliefs, desires, and experiences, including those related to sexuality.”

The policy claims it will restrict exposure “to Adult Content for children or adult users who choose not to see it” – although such a policy is not so easily enforced. Porn-themed spam has skyrocketed on X since Musk took over the company. A 2022 study of Twitter Blue subscribers found that a large portion promoted one of three things: politics, cryptocurrency, or porn.

Competitors like Instagram, Facebook, Threads, TikTok, and YouTube all prohibit porn, prompting some leaders to consider leaving X.

Southern Baptist Convention President Bart Barber and author Beth Moore are among those re-considering their use of the platform due to the new policy. Moore highlighted the dilemma of Christians using a platform that allows porn.

Canadian pro-life activist Katie Somers wrote:

“I feel really angry that I defended Elon Musk’s takeover of X, and in return, he’s gone and made it a porn site.”

Author and writer Rachel Joy Welcher said she, too, is considering leaving.

“@elonmusk,” she wrote, “I know I’m small beans, but I need you to know that I, and lots of other Christians, who have loved using Twitter for years, will leave if you don’t get the porn under control.”

Hershael York, dean of the School of Theology at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, also mentioned his intention to leave X due to the new policy.

“‘Does a spring pour forth from the same opening both fresh and saltwater?’ – James 3:11. Friends, I cannot in good conscience remain on X any longer,” York wrote. “I’ve tried to use it redemptively, but now this is too much.”


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