Home » Kim Clement’s New Year’s Prophecy

Kim Clement’s New Year’s Prophecy

by Anne Ng

In a video from Dec 31, 2014, the late Kim Clement gave a prophecy for the coming year that still is ringing true within our world a decade later.

“There is a sound that is coming, that the world has never heard before. On the day of Pentecost, there was a sound that came, and My church was born,” Clement said. “That sound destroyed the powers that would chain them, that would bind them. That sound would be stolen through the ages. But there was always a remnant who kept the sound safely. And then at the right time it would be released.”

Clement prophesied that this piercing sound would rise again, bringing freedom to the modern church.

“And I shall cause a people that have said ‘We refuse to accept the judgment of our enemies upon our souls…’ God says, ‘Today, there is a sound of freedom that my prophets have heard. A freedom that I will release. And in this next year, you shall be surprised at how much liberty and freedom shall come.’”


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